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Praise the omnimeta
Tyranids - Alex B - 2023-07-01 | Metanicus

Alex B


Strike Force - 2000pts
Invasion Fleet


AustraliaAustralia - Hobart, TAS
First place
1 / 26 players - 3 rounds



Hive Tyrant (220pts) - x1 - Warlord - Adaptative Biology (25pts) - 245pts
1x Heavy venom cannon 1x Monstrous bonesword and lash whip

Other Datasheets

Barbgaunts - x5 - 50pts
5x Bio-cannon 5x Xenos claws and teet
Barbgaunts - x5 - 50pts
5x Bio-cannon 5x Xenos claws and teet
Biovores - x1 - 40pts
1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Spore Mine launcher
Biovores - x1 - 40pts
1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Spore Mine launcher
Biovores - x1 - 40pts
1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Spore Mine launcher
Haruspex - x1 - 125pts
1x Grasping tongue 1x Ravenous maw 1x Shovelling claws
Haruspex - x1 - 125pts
1x Grasping tongue 1x Ravenous maw 1x Shovelling claws
Haruspex - x1 - 125pts
1x Grasping tongue 1x Ravenous maw 1x Shovelling claws
Maleceptor - x1 - 165pts
1x Massive scything talons 1x Psychic overload
Maleceptor - x1 - 165pts
1x Massive scything talons 1x Psychic overload
Maleceptor - x1 - 165pts
1x Massive scything talons 1x Psychic overload
Raveners - x6 - 150pts
6x Ravener claws and talons 6x Thoracic bio-weapon
Raveners - x6 - 150pts
6x Ravener claws and talons 6x Thoracic bio-weapon
Tyrant Guard - x3 - 95pts
3x Scything talons and rending claws
Zoanthropes - x3 - 90pts
1x Neurothrope - 1x Warp Blast - 1x Xenos claws and teeth 2x Zoanthrope - 2x Warp Blast - 2x Xenos claws and teeth
Zoanthropes - x3 - 90pts
1x Neurothrope - 1x Warp Blast - 1x Xenos claws and teeth 2x Zoanthrope - 2x Warp Blast - 2x Xenos claws and teeth
Zoanthropes - x3 - 90pts
1x Neurothrope - 1x Warp Blast - 1x Xenos claws and teeth 2x Zoanthrope - 2x Warp Blast - 2x Xenos claws and teeth